HDST06. The Indwelling of the Trinity in Spiritual Life

Lecturer: Prof. Denis CHARDONNENS

The Trinity acts in the economy of salvation, in Christ and according to the gift of the Spirit. His work is that of the sanctification and divinisation of the human person, by grace. With the whole Church benefiting from the mission of the Son and the Holy Spirit from the Father, we are led, in fact, to our ultimate end, that is, to our full participation in the Trinitarian communion.

This course is intended to address the Trinity’s action in our lives, the fruitfulness of which is our deification. The latter consists our configuration to Christ by the grace of the Spirit, being adopted sons in the Son of the Father: “All who are guided by the Spirit of God are sons of God” (Rom 8:14). 

For the benefit of the treatment of the Trinitarian indwelling by grace, texts by some significant witnesses of the theological and spiritual tradition are studied, in particular St Thomas Aquinas, Meister Eckhart, John Taulero and St Teresa of Avila.

The lessons are characterised by a theological and spiritual exposition linked to the reading of various texts by the authors mentioned above. Implications of this teaching, which concern the spiritual path, are addressed.

Evaluation criteria
The course is assessed in an oral examination – lasting approximately 15 minutes – based on several theses covering the course subject.

Distribution of working time
24 hours for class attendance and 62 hours for thesis study

It is delivered at the beginning of the course.