
Pontifical Faculty of Theology

Pontifical Institute
of Spirituality


La Segreteria e l'Economato della Facoltà saranno aperti solamente fino al 12 luglio dalle 9:00 alle 13:00. The Faculty Secretariat and Bursar's Office will only be open until 12 July from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Discount for new students

Discount for new students
ENROLMENTS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 ARE ALREADY OPEN! A DISCOUNT will be applied for new students who register and pay the full fee (by the dates indicated above)! Bank account details: Casa Generalizia Padri Carmelitani Scalzi IBAN: IT24 T030 6909 6061 0000 0125 243 BIC: BCITITMM Banca Intesa San...

Scarica la nuova Guida Accademica

Scarica la nuova Guida Accademica
“Teresianum” – Call for contributions

Happy Easter

Happy Easter

Buon Natale

Buon Natale

Scambio di auguri Natalizi

Scambio di auguri Natalizi
Desideriamo invitare tutta la comunità accademica a festeggiare il Natale con auguri, canti e dolci natalizi. La festa si terrà mercoledì 20 dicembre alle ore 11.05 nell'Aula 8. Siete tutti i benvenuti.

Professione Solenne

Professione Solenne
Con grande gioia annunciamo che sette dei nostri frati Carmelitani Scalzi del Collegio Teologico Internazionale, domani, nella solennità di San Giovanni della Croce pronunzieranno la loro professione solenne.  

Notizie e Comunicati

Welcome to Teresianum!

Since 1935 the Order of Discalced Carmelites has promoted the Theological Faculty known as Teresianum, characterizing it with a particular attention to the relationship between theology and Christian spiritual life.

The Faculty offers, in particular, courses of study and research in Theological Anthropology and Spiritual Theology, in the wake of the Carmelite tradition of recognized masters of spiritual life, especially Saints Teresa of Jesus and John of the Cross – to whom the Faculty is dedicated – as well as other exponents of the same Carmelite spiritual tradition.

We invite you to discover our Faculty and its academic offering.


Study at the Teresianum