Online registration: Click here.
Course starts on October 8th, 2024.
Program of Studies
Our Certificate in Spiritual Theology focuses on Christian spiritual theology and particularly on Carmelite Spirituality. The first and main goal of the Teresianum Pontifical Theological Faculty, in offering this Certificate, is to offer to a wider English-speaking public the possibility of delving into the spiritual riches of Carmelite spirituality, so as to nourish and enhance their spiritual life in Christ. The second closely related goal is to provide an intellectually rigorous and thorough formation in Spiritual Theology and Carmelite spirituality, helping students themselves to acquire a scientific method of learning and researching.
For whom?
This program is for all English-speakers with a sincere desire to intensify their spiritual life through an intellectual deepening of Spiritual Theology, and in particular Carmelite spirituality. This includes laypeople, priests, and religious. We think that it will be of particular interest for members of the Carmelite Order (in particular nuns and secular order members).
Practical Information
1. English Online Certificate
The online Program of Studies will be held in English. The lessons will be partly recorded, partly in real-time (approximately one third of the lessons). All the lessons will remain accessible for those students who cannot follow in real-time.
2. Teaching Methods
The lessons in real-time (by Zoom) allow for interaction. From the Moodle-platform of the Teresianum Faculty, there will be access to further material (handouts, bibliographical information, etc.) as well as to the recorded lessons of the program.
3. Duration and Timetable
The program lasts two academic years (from October to June) and consists of 16 single courses with a total of 192 lessons. It can be extended up to four years for the full program and for an even longer period for the program à la carte.
Every academic year comprises 24 weeks with 4 lessons of 45 minutes in a week. Real-time classes will take place on Tuesday and on Wednesday from 5:15-6:50 PM (Central European Time, UTC +1). A precise timetable will be available for students.
4. ECTS Credits**
2 credits for every Course = 32 credits for the full program.
5. Examinations
Every course is evaluated by a written (4-6 pages) or an oral exam (10-15 minutes on Zoom).
6. Enrollment Options
- Full program (Ordinary student)
This program comprises all 8 courses, as well as the examination. - Program à la carte (Guest)
This program allows the student to choose one or several courses. The corresponding examination is included.
7. Costs
Full program Certificate in ‘Online Course in Spiritual Theology’ (annual enrollment as ordinary student) | 700 € |
Program à la carte Certificate in ‘Online Course in Spiritual Theology’ (guest enrollment fee for each course) | 100 € |
Certificate (shipping cost not included) | 50 € |
Certification for inscription or participation (by email) | 20 € |
8. Certificate
A certificate will be issued to students who have followed all of the 16 Courses and passed all of the exams. The final grade will be the average of all 16 single grades.
9. Contact for Information, Enrollment, and Online Classes
Dott.ssa Stefania Tassotti, Responsible
Online registration: Click here.
Course starts on October 2024.
**ECTS refers to European Credit Transfer (and Accumulation) System. 2 ECTS credits correspond to 1 U.S. credit and to 4 UK credits.
Required Documents for Online Enrollment
Enrollment takes place online and is open one month before the beginning of the first and second semesters.
Please have the following four documents ready to upload (PDF, JPG, PNG, GIF or BMP) with your online registration:
- Photo headshot
- Identification: ID card or a passport
- Education certificate / high school or college diploma (see optional form below if unable to produce this document)
- Document of commendation (required by the Congregation of Catholic Education)
- for seminarians: clearance from the Rector of the respective seminary or college of residence;
- for diocesan priests: the nihil obstat of their Ordinary;
- for religious: clearance from the major superior (see form below)
- for members of associations or movements recognized by ecclesiastical authority: clearance from the Ecclesiastical Assistant;
- for lay people: a letter of presentation from an ecclesiastical person (e.g. parish priest).
- for non-Catholic students: a certificate of credibility issued by the relevant religious authority.
For the forms: please fill in, print and sign the form, then scan and upload (using one of the formats mentioned above).
Indications for Enrollment
under construction
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