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Online Course in Spiritual Theology
Our Certificate in Spiritual Theology focuses on Christian spiritual theology and particularly on Carmelite Spirituality. The first and main goal of the Teresianum Pontifical Theological Faculty, in offering this Certificate, is to offer to a wider English-speaking public the possibility of delving into the spiritual riches of Carmelite spirituality, so as to nourish and enhance their spiritual life in Christ. The second closely related goal is to provide an intellectually rigorous and thorough formation in Spiritual Theology and Carmelite spirituality, helping students themselves to acquire a scientific method of learning and researching.
Academic offer – program presentation
The Theological Faculty of St. Teresa and St. John of the Cross (cf. Statute, art. 1) situated in the Teresianum in Rome, was consituted as the International College of the Order of Discalced Carmelites by the Sacred Congregation for Seminaries and Universities for Studies in a Decree published on 16th July 1935 and 23rd May, being accorded the title of ‘Pontifical’ by the same Congregation.
The Faculty proposes not only to develop Sacred Theology according to the scientific method, but also to dedicate itself more profoundly in fidelity to the charism of its illustrious Teachers, to the study of Spiritual Theology and its relationship with Christian spiritual life.
Faculty Presentation
The Faculty offers a curriculum in Theology, but it is also characterized by its particular attention to the relationship of Theology itself with the Christian spiritual life. At the Teresianum it is possible to choose the path of study for the Baccalaureate in Theology and then continue with the specialization in Theological Anthropology (Licentiate and Doctorate) to deepen the field of Theology reserved for the study of the human person open to the supernatural.