SO2973 Mystical Theology and the Gospel of Life

Docente: Prof. Iain MATTHEW



The course explores the question: How can the mystics deepen, safeguard and empower the Church’s vision of the dignity of humanity and the goodness of human life? The course thus aims to make a real pastoral and theological contribution.


The aim is to bring St John of the Cross and St Teresa of Avila into dialogue with Christian understanding of human love, family, marriage, birth, aging, dying, and thereby deepen and widen the discourse about the implications of human dignity in today’s world.


Beginning with an analysis of the meaning of ‘mystical theology’ and of ‘the gospel of life’, we then consider a NT approach through Paul and John, then to set up a dialogue between the mystics St Teresa and St John of the Cross and the following topics: dignity of the human, care for the poor, theology of the body, human suffering, purification of motivation, human relationships, apostolic vision, and Christian hope.


The core language of the course will be English. 24 lessons comprising lectures and interactive seminars.

Evaluation criteria

Participation in the lessons; a piece of written work; and a final oral examination.

Work allocation

The 24 lessons will consist in 12 double-lessons on Tuesdays, 4pm to 6.15pm, comprising professorial lectures, reflection on texts, and student interaction.


  • JOHN PAUL II, Encyclical Letter Evangelium vitae (1995).
  • BENEDICT XVI, Encyclical Letter Deus Caritas est (2005).
  • FRANCIS, Encyclical Letter Laudato sii (2015).
  • FRANCIS, Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii gaudium (2014).
  • CATHOLIC BISHOPS CONFERENCE of E&W, Cherishing Life, CTS 2004.
  • Works of St John of the Cross and of St Teresa, published by Institute of Carmelite Studies  Washington.
  • M. McINTOSCH, Mystical Theology, Blackwell 1998.
  • M. McCORMACK, Upon this mountain: prayer in the Carmelite Tradition, Teresian Press 2009.
  • K. KAVANAGH, John of the Cross doctor of light and love, Crossroad 2011.
  • I. MATTHEW, The Impact of God, soundings from St John of the Cross, Hodder 1995. 20102.
  • F. KELLY NEMECK & M.T. COOMBS, O Blessed Night: recovering from addiction, codependency and attachment, Alba House 1991.
  • J. ROBSON, Towards a spirituality of solidarity with Johann Baptist Metz and Edith Stein, “Teresianum” 2(2014), 235-262.
  • C. ANDERSON & J. GRANADOS, Called to Love, Image 2009.
  • J.H. NEWMAN, Lectures on the Present Position of Catholics in England, Lectures 6, 7 & 8, Burns and Lambert 1851.