Nuovo numero della Rivista Teresianum

70 anni fa, la rivista Ephemerides Carmeliticae fu fondata per promuovere una riflessione approfondita sulla vita e sulla dottrina del Carmelo in seno alla Facoltà di Teologia dei santi Teresa di Gesù e Giovanni della Croce, che diverrà “Pontificia” nel 1963 e che prenderà il nome “Teresianum” a partire dal 1982, in occasione del quarto centenario della morte di Teresa. Nello stesso tempo, la rivista adottò il nome Teresianum, rimasto identico fino ad oggi. In un contesto teologico e culturale assai diverso, la nostra missione rimane ancora quella di manifestare le potenzialità teologiche, particolarmente degli autori carmelitani. Ulteriori informazioni… 

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 Contenuto del numero 68 (2017/1)


Denis Chardonnens, La semplicità di Dio Trinità

ABSTRACT: «The unity of the three persons is the greatest unity, due to the simplicity of essence». This reference to saint Thomas Aquinas (cf. 3 Sent., d. 1, q. 2, a. 5, ad 4) provides an adequate summary of our purpose in the present contribution. Unity and plurality are herein considered as part of a theological understanding of the truth of Trinitarian faith, which is based on the simplicity of God. Our reflection focuses on the attribute of simplicity, in connection with the other attributes, in an endeavor to better understand the unity of being and essence in God Trinity. Our research here considers in particular the doctrine of transcendental multitude as related to the definition of the person which, in God, is «subsistant relation». A reflection of this kind enables us, in the life of faith, to more fully receive the ineffable riches of the consubstantial Trinity in which, through grace, we participate in Christ.


Teresa Gil Muñoz stj, La noche oscura en el itinerario espiritual de Teresa de Jesús. Interpretación cristológica

ABSTRACT: The Dark Night of the soul is a purifying experience within the mystical life of Teresa of Jesus. In the present article we shall consider one of the fundamental aspects of this Night: its Christological dimension. Based on an analysis of her vision of hell and in reference to a study of the Sixth Dwelling Places, this spiritual experience is described here as the process by which the person is identified with Christ, and thus enters into the Paschal Mystery. Two Christological experiences guide this interpretation: Christ’s kenosis and his descent into hell. The transformation by which the silkworm becomes a butterfly is the symbolic indicator by which this Christological reading of Teresa’s Dark Night is accomplished.


Iain Matthew ocd, Visualising Christology: Llama de amor viva and the Resurrection

ABSTRACT: The article seeks in Juan de la Cruz light on what it means for Christ to be risen; what that means for humanity, and what for Christ himself. We concentrate on the writing Llama de amor viva, consider its experiential quality, and identify “the Bridegroom” there as Christ in the Trinity. This enables us to gather from Llama global impressions of Christ’s power and vitality. We then look to Llama for evidence of how Christ establishes his lordship in Juan; and for evidence of how Llama discloses something of the risen Jesus’ praise of his Father.


José Pereira ocd, Ouvrir la bouche du désir. Éros dans le Cantique Spirituel B de saint Jean de la Croix (II)

ABSTRACT: In the first part of this article we attempted to define “eros”. In the second part, we shall read the Spiritual Canticle B based on this definition. We shall discover that eros, with its human basis, is God’s gift, enabling us to receive His gift of self to us. It is also what brings us to conformity with God’s only Son.


Michael Champagne cjc, The Experience of Jesus’ Thirst in the Life of St. Thérèse

ABSTRACT: Saint Thérèse underwent a deep personal encounter with the thirst of Jesus, an experience which intensified her love for Him and established a certain change of direction in her life. The experience was initiated by God, and the result was a lasting change in her soul. Saint Thérèse encountered Jesus’ «I thirst» from the cross as a word of life. She listened to it, she took it to heart, and in her life it yielded fruit a hundredfold (cf. Mk 4,20). Thérèse’s encounter with Jesus’ thirst and the significance it played in her spiritual life is the subject of the present article.



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