
Łukasz Bernard Sawicki

Pontificia Facoltà Teologica Teresianum
Piazza San Pancrazio 5/A
00152 Roma

Work experience

since 12.2020 – Director of the Dipartimento di Teologia per l’Economia e la Finanza “Ora et Labora” at the Faculty of Theology at the Pontifical University of Saint Anselm in Rome

Member and Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of the Symposium “Monasticism, Education & Formation” (SA, 8-11.06.2021)

since 03.2020 – Associated Professor at the Faculty of Theology at the Pontifical University of Saint Anselm in Rome

since 03.2020 – Visiting Professor at the Pontificia Facoltà Teologica & Pontificio Istituto di Spiritualità Teresianum (Rome)

since 12.2018 – Coordinator of the Centre Jean Leclercq

since 2018 – Direttore dell’area di ricerca e didattica della Facoltà di Teologia Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo, Roma

since 2017 – Professor Lecturer at the Faculty of Theology at the Pontifical University of Saint Anselm in Rome

since 2014 – Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Theology at the Pontifical University of Saint Anselm in Rome

2014 – 2018 – Coordinator of the Monastic Institute at the Pontifical University of Saint Anselm in Rome

since 2013 – Administrative Director (in charge of the implementation of the strategic plan) at the Pontifical University of Saint Anselm in Rome

since 2013 – Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy at the Pontifical University of Saint Anselm in Rome

2013 – 2015 Junior Master at the Benedictine College of Saint Anselm in Rome

2005-2013 – Abbot in Tyniec

2004-2006 – Lecturer at the Faculty of Theology in the Pontifical Academy of Theology in Cracow

2004-2005 – Junior Master in the Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec

2004-2013 – Choir Master in the Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec

since 2000 – Priest

1996-2001 – teacher of piano at the Tyniecki Dom Kultury (Tyniec’ House of Culture)

since 1994 – Professed monk of the Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec (Cracow/Poland)

1992-1994 – Novice in the Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec

1991-1992 – Lecturer at the Faculty of Composition, Conducting and Theory of Music in the Frederic Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw

Main activities and responsibilities

2011-2013 Vice-President of the Conference of Major Superiors of Religious Orders for Men

2009 -2011 – member of the Group for updating the Strategy of Development for the Region Małopolska (Little Poland) by the Office of Marshall of the Region

2009-2012 – member of the Council of Abbot President of the Benedictine Congregation of Annunciation

2008-2013 – member of the Executive Board (Konsulta) of the Conference of Major Superiors of Religious Orders for Men in Poland

2005-2011 – member of the ecumenical forum of monastic superiors Group of Chevetogne

Education and training

since 2016 – Doctoral Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy at the Pontifical University of Saint Anselm in Rome

2015 – Cambridge English Level 2 Certificate in ESOL International Advanced – Level C1

2004 – Doctor of Theology (STD) in Monastic Theology, Monastic Institute, Pontifical University of Saint Anselm in Rome, Italy

2001 – Licence in Theology (STL), Pontifical Academy of Theology in Cracow, Poland

2000-2001 – Studies of organ at the Liturgical Institute of the Archdiocese of Cracow, Poland

2000 – Master in Theology, (MD), Pontifical Academy of Theology in Cracow, Poland

1992 – Master of Art (MA) in Piano, Frederic Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw, Poland

1991 – Master of Art (MA) in Theory of Music, Frederic Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw, Poland



John Field’s Concert Hall, Dublin, 2005

Castle, Pszczyna, 2010

National Philharmonic, Warsaw, 1991


San Paolo fuori le Mura, 27.11.2021

Parish Church in Warsaw Anin,13.09.2020

Monastery Sant’Antonio, Rome 2014

Saint Stanislas Church, Rome 2014

Sant’ Anselmo Church, Rome, 2014

Monastey Valledacqua, 2014

Monastery in Sampor, Cathedral Church in Banska Bystryca (Slovakia) 2014

Catholic Cathedral Church, Moscow 2013

Benedictine Abbey, Jarosław, 2011

Benedictine Abbey, Staniątki, 2011

Carhedral Church in Rzeszów, 2010

Abbey Pannonhalma, Monastery in Tichany (Hungary) 2008

Sant’ Anselmo, Rome, 2002


Benedictine Abbey, Staniątki, 2012

Castle, Pszczyna 2011

Management of projects

Coordinatore del Simposio “Monasticism, Education&Formation”, 8-11.06.2021

Coordinatore del progetto inter-universitario Centro Jean Leclercq, dal gennaio 2020

Giornata di studio: Le vele dell’anima. Un approccio poetico alla spiritualità. In memoria di SILJA WALTER (1919 – 2019),

Blog “Poesia&spiritualita” (dal 04.2019)

Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Symposium Monasticism, Education and Formation, Sant’ Anselmo, Rome 2020 (dal 2019)

Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Symposium Thomas Merton Symposium: Prophecy and Renewal: Sant’ Anselmo, Rome 2018

Membro del Comitato Scientifico delle Armonie composte ciclo di seminari sul paessaggio monastico nato dalla collaborazione tra l’Abbazia di Praglia e l’Università degli Studi di Padova (dal 2018)

Vice Direttore Accademico del Gruppo di Ricerca “Cultura e Pastorale dell’Amministrazione del Monastero e dei Beni Ecclesiastici” (dal2017)

Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Symposium Monasticism& Economy Sant’ Anselmo, Rome 2016

Florilegio musicale del Cardinale Lorenzo Baldisseri e il concerto con Abate Primate Notker Wolf Sant’Anselmo, 30.06.2016

 “Sempre proteso verso Cristo”. La teologia radicata nell’irrequieto viaggio spiritual di Thomas Merton. Pomeriggio di studio, Sant’Anselmo,11.03.2016

Member of the Executive Committee of the International Conference Power of the Word. Thresholds of wonder, Sant’ Anselmo, Rome 2015

Lectio divina musicale, a cicle of musical meditations, Sant’ Anselmo, since 2013

Inauguration of The Forum of the Economic Cooperation Among Religious Orders, The Conference of The colors of Gregorian Chant, tone 1, 2, 3; recordings of Gregorian Chant, Benedictine Schola Cantorum, Tyniec Abbey, 2011-2013

Major Superiors of Religious Orders form Men in Poland, 2010-2013

Foundation and inauguration of the Benedictine Institute of Culture, Tyniec Abbey, 2008-2013

Festival Music from the Benedictine Monasteries in Europe, Tyniec Abbey, 2008-2012

Inauguration of the Benedictine Products, Tyniec Abbey, 2006-2013

Reconstruction of the southern wing of Tyniec Abbey, 2006-2008

Gemma Celestis, recording of Gregorian Chant, Benedictine Schola Cantorum, Tyniec Abbey, 2006

Warsaw Benedictine Meetings, 2005-2013

Kompleta, recording of Gregorian Chant, Benedictine Schola Cantorum, Tyniec Abbey, 2007

Summer camps for children, Parish in Tyniec, 1997-2004


Zasłużony dla Uniwersytetu Muzycznego im. F.Chopina w Warszawie [Medal of merit for the Frederic Chopin University of Music in Warsaw], 2010

Nomination for the award “Złota Myśl” [Golden Thought] for the contribution to the development of culture and science in Poland, Cracow 2008

Bibliografia Selettiva


  1. Osiem spojrzeń na Pana Jezusa. Od „logismoi” Ewagriusza z Pontu ku teologii wyobraźni [Otto sguardi sul Signore Gesù. Dai logismoi di Evagrio Pontico alla teologia dell’immaginazione], Tyniec Wydawnicto Benedyktynów, Kraków 2021
  2. Curatela: Thomas Merton: Prophecy and Renewal. Acts of the International Symposium, Rome, June 12-15, 2018, Studia Anselmiana, Roma 2020
  3. Ekspresja jako spotkanie chrystologii i antropologii. O pewnym sposobie odczytywania estetyki teologicznej Hansa Ursa Von Balthasara [Espressione come un’incontro tra cristologia ed antropologia]. Di un modo di lettura dell’estetica teologica di H.U.von Balthasar], Homini, Kraków, 2019
  4. Curatela (con I. Jonveaux, T.Quartier e P.Triani): Monasticism and Economy: Rediscovering an Approach to Work and Povery. Acts of the Fourth International Symposium Rome, June 7-10, 2016, Studia Anselmiana – Roma, 2019
  5. Curatela (con R.Monteiro): Santa Gertrude La Grande: “De grammatica facta theologa”. Acti del Convegno organizzato da Istituto Monastico della Facoltà di Teologia Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo, Roma 13-15 aprile 2018, Studia Anselmiana – Roma, 2019
  6. Selfie z Regułą. Benedyktyńskie motywy codzienności [Selfie with the Rule, The Benedictine Motives of Everdaylife], Tyniec Wydawnictwo Benedytkynów 2018
  7. Curatela (con P.J.J Flores Arcas: La ‘Divina Pietas” e la “Suppletio” di Cristo in S.Gertrude di Helfta: una soteriologia della misericordia, a cura di J.J.Flores Arcas, B.Sawicki, Studia Anselmiana 171 Analecta Monastica Roma 2017,
  8. W chorale jest wszystko [In Gregorian Chant is all], Tyniec Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów 2014,
  9. The Music of Chopin and the Rule of Saint Benedict, Peter Lang 2014, 270 p.
  10. Rekolekcje z opowiadaniami Sławomira Mrożka [The Retreat with S.Mrożek’s Stories] Kraków Tyniec Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów 2014, 114 p.
  11. Muzyka Chopina a Reguła św. Benedykta [The music of Chopin and the Rule of Saint Benedict], TYNIEC Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów 2010, 163 p.
  12. Męskie myślenie. O Kościele, kapłaństwie, kryzysie i kobietach [Masculine Thinking. About the Chuch, Priesthood, Crisis and Women] – with K.Popławski OP, interview made by A.Kuźma and C.Mir, Tyniec Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów Kraków – “W drodze” Poznań – 2010, 241 p.
  13. The Concept of The Absurd and its Theological Reception in Christian Monasticism, The Edwin Mellen Press, 2005, 578 p. – reviewed in The American Benedictine Review 2007, I 101-103


  1. “Approfondire il dono della lettura. La prima attività del Centro Jean Leclercq OSB” (con Ch.Tacchinardi), in: Vita cristiana 2021/2, 219-225
  2. “Trees as the Masters of Monks Some Observations on the Role of Trees in The Sayings of the Desert Fathers” in: Trees in Literatures and the Arts: Humanarboreal Perspectives in the Anthropocene (Ed. D. Fargione, C. Concilio), The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., 2021, 87-94
  3. “Muzyka jako droga duchowa” [Music as a spiritual way] in: Życie Konsekrowane, 2 (148), 2021, 27-75
  4. „Taming Eschatology: the case of Silja Walter OSB”, Polonia Sacra – in preparazione (with Ch.Tacchinardi)
  5. “Benedictine Education as a model of respecting religious freedom in education” in: Educational Challenges of Religious Freedom (ed. T.Huzarek, J.Wółkowski), Bernardin Pelplin 2021, 285-301
  6. „О различных аспектах духовности фортепианной игры” [On diverse aspects of spirituality of piano playing] in: Проблемы пеподавания музыкальноиспольнительских дисциплин, сборник статей. Bыпуск 13, Majkop 2021, 172-188
  7. „Игра на фортепиано как духовный опыт” in: Музыкальная летопись, 11 Krasnodar 2021 229-238
  8. “Dobry opat, źli mnisi. Kilka refleksji o odpowiedzialności opata za posłuszeństwo mnichów” in: Cenobium (26) 2021, 81-94
  9. „La belleza della poesia riaccende la nostra speranza” in A. Castaldini (a cura di) Interrogarsi sul coronavirus tra fede e ragione, Livorno 2020, 383-389
  10. “Postfazione” in: B.Manzocchi Note di gestione. Il silenzio, la meditazione e il canto gregoriane come strumenti per la formazione nelle organizzazioni, Chorabooks 2021
  11. “The Spiritual Potential of Moods”, Global Journal of Human Social Scienze (A) Volume XX, Issue XI, 2020, 21-27
  12. “Il canto gregoriano come metafora cella presenza dei monaci nel mondo attuale” in: Tota simul. La cultura e le esperienza monastiche ai tempi della globalizzazione (a cura di S.Bini, R.Ferrari), Neviano degli Arduini 2020, 533-547
  13. „Beauty as a Criterion of Spiritual Discernment: an Outline of a Theory and Practice”, Polonia Sacra 24 nr 2 (60), 2020 57-78
  14. “Od zwyczajów do stylu: mnisi dżentelmeni czy artyści?”, Cenobium (25), 2020. 61-74
  15. “La spiritualità monastic e la prova del COVID-19” in: Mysterion (13) 2020, 166-178
  16. “I motivi del deserto in alcune poesie di Denise Levertov in contrappunto con I Detti dei Padri del Deserto”, in: Deserto e spiritualità nella letteratura americana (a cura di G.Nori e M.Vallone), Città di Castello 2020, 157-173
  17. “A Litany in the Rule of St. Benedict” in: The Litany in Arts in Culture, Brepols 2020, 125-141
  18. “Was Thomas Merton a Celebrity? Some Observations About the Presence of Monks in Modern Society” in: Thomas Merton: Prophecy and Renewal. Acts of the International Symposium, Rome, June 12-15, 2018, 2020, 367-392
  19. “Il De votis monasticis di Lutero e l’idea del monachesimo agostiniano: continuazione o nuov apertura” in: Vita cristiana 1, 2020, 83-104
  20. “Dio ci permette di vivere nella sua luce e nel suo amore” (GE 51). Adomesticare la luce” in: Mistica e santità nella ‘Gaudete et exsultate”. Atti del V Convegno Internazionale di Mistica cristiana, Assisi, 6-8.09, 2018. LEV 2020, 57-67
  21. “Sulla scia dei motivi anselmianu negli scritti di Elmar Slamann” verso una teologia monastica sapienziale” in: dianoia, Rivista di filosofia, anno XXIV, dicembre 2019, 217-234
  22. “La dimensione Pasquale dell’azione quale passaggio tra spiritualità e creatività. Un contributo di M.Blondel al dialogo fra teologia ed arte in: L’Azione. Atti della giornata di studio interfacoltà, Pontificio Ateneo S.Anselmo, Roma 4 ottobre 2016”, (Ed. E.López-Tello, P.Nouzille. O.-M. Sarr), Studia Anselmiana, Roma 2019, 185-208
  23. “Between rapture and rupture: an exploration of wonder” in: Poetry, Philosophy and Theology in Conversation. Thresholds of Wonder (Ed. F.Bugliani Knox, J.Reek), Routledge, London & New York, 2019, 100-113
  24. “L’architettura, l’arte e il monachesimo”, in: Vatican Chapels. Impressioni di artisti, Strategy & People, 2019, 9-10
  25. “S.Gertrude tra la tradizione della Filocalia e il messagio di S.Faustyna Kowalska”, in: Santa Gertrude La Grande: “De grammatica facta theologa”. Acti del Convegno organizzato da Istituto Monastico della Facoltà di Teologia Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo, Roma 13-15 aprile 2018, a cura di B.Sawicki e R.Monteiro, Studia Anselmiana – Roma, 2019, 153-206
  26. “Monasticism and Brand – A Precarious Dialogue, Some Observations At the Interface Between Sociology, Economy and Theology”, in: Monasticism and Economy: Rediscovering an Approach to Work and Poetry. Acts of the Fourth International Symposium Rome, June 7-10, 2016, Studia Anselmiana – Roma, 2019, 559-590
  27. “Rediscovering Monasticism Through Art”, in: Religions 2019, Volume 10, Issue 7, 423-432
  28. “Monastic architecture as a bridge between ecology and spirituality: A case study of a Benedictine monastery in Clerlande, Belgium”, in: A Visual Approach To the Study of Religious Orders. Zooming In On Monasteries, ed. M.Jewdokimow, T.Quartier, Routledge, London&New York, 2019
  29. “Towards a modern anthropology of liturgical celebration: between performance and spiritual experience” in: Богослужебные практики и культовые искусства в современном мире, Выпуск 4 Том 1, Майкоп 2018, 239-262
  30. „Bliskość i różnice tradycji chrześcijańskiego monastycyzmu Wschodu i Zachodu”, in: Polonia Sacra 22 (2018) nr 2 (51), 159-174
  31. “Alcune apposizioni benedettine alla enciclica Laudato si’, in: Dal Cantico delle Creature alla mistica della creazione. Atti del 4o Convegno internazionale di mistica cristiana (Assisi, 29-30 settembre 2017), Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2018, 35-50
  32. “Teologia spirituale a partire dei testi. Uno sguardo metodologico sulla base del ‘Pensiero alla morte’ di Paolo VI, in: Mysterion anno 11 numero 2 (2018), 271-274
  33. “La teologia è come musica? Una parabola di orchestra voce e pianoforte”, in: Sancta morum elegantia. Stile e motivi di un pensiero teologico. Miscellanea offert a Elmar Salmann, a cura di G. de Candia e P.Nouzille, Studia Anselmiana – Roma, 2018
  34. L’utilità di alcune pratiche artistiche della musica professionale per la celebrazione comunitaria della liturgia delle ore, Богослужебные практики и культовые искусства в современном мире [Pratiche liturgiche e le arte di culto nel mondo moderno], Majkop 2018, 226-231
  35. Bliskość i różnice tradycji chrześcijańskiego monastycyzmu Wschodu i Zachodu, „Polonia Sacra” 22 (2018) nr 2 (51), 159-174
  36. Ringraziamento postfazione in: Annamaria Valli, Entrare nell’abisso trinitario. Itala Mela, monachesimo e mondo, Nerbini Firenze 2017, 143-144
  37. “Обладает ли модальность духовным содержанием? в поисках основы богослужебной и фольклорной культуры” (Esiste una spiritualità di modalità? In ricerca della base comune della cultura liturgica e folcloristica), in Проблемы самоидентификации этноконфессиональных групп в современном мире и их роль в сохранении уникальных и исчезающих культур. Материалы научной конференции (…) 15-19 ноября 2017 года (I problemi di autoidentificazione dei gruppi etnoconfessionali nel mondo moderno il loro rulo nella protezione delle culture uniche e in via di estinzione. Materiali dalla conferenza scientifica 15-19.11.2017), Stawropol, 2017, 263-280
  38. «The Ritual Character of the Brand: the Challenge of the New Spaces between Consumerism and Religion», in Polonia Sacra 21 (2007) nr 4 (49), 79-97
  39. L’Istituto Monastico nella «Rivista di Ascetica e Mistica» in: Rivista Ascetica e Mistica 2017,1, 37-40
  40. Transmission of monastic values through art: a theological survey of two virtual monasteries in: “Богослужебные практики и культовые искусства в современном мире” [Le pratiche liturgiche e le arti cultiche nel mondo moderno], Università Statale di Adgeia, Majkop 2017, 264-278
  41. La bellezza negli scritti di Santa Gertrude in: La ‘Divina Pietas” e la “Suppletio” di Cristo in S.Gertrude di Helfta: una soteriologia della misericordia, a cura di J.J.Flores Arcas, B.Sawicki, Studia Anselmiana 171 Roma 2017, 111-147
  42. Ringraziamento postfazione in: Annamaria Valli, Entrare nell’abisso trinitario. Itala Mela, monachesimo e mondo, Nerbini Firenze 2017, 143-144
  43. Youth (Sub)Cultures and Monasticism: An Unconscious Affinity? in The American Benedictine Review 68:3, Sept. 2017, 323-331
  44. Rituals, Markets and Redemption: some remarks on the margin of an interdisciplinary workshop in: Ecclesia orans 34 (2017) 183-188
  45. Ecological responsibility of Benedictine monasteries: a study of three cases (Plankstetten, Andechs and Gut Aich) in Polonia Sacra 21 (2017) nr 3 (48), s. 27–47
  46. L’Istituto Monastico nella “Rivista di Ascetica e Mistica”, Rivista di ascetica e mistica, 2017/1,137-140
  47. Mistyka Melodii [Mysticism of melody] published in „W ogrodzie muzyki. Eseje interdyscyplinarne”, Wydawnisktwo AMKS w Krakowie, 2016, 159-174
  48. Towards a new paradigm of spiritual theology. a reconstruction of main lines of the International Symposium “Monasticism & Economy” (Monastic Institute, Sant’Anselmo,Rome, 7-10 June, 2016) in: “Studia Monastica” 58-2,
  49. Benedyktyńskie dziedzictwo chrześcijańskiej Polski: perspektywy współczesne [The Benedictine Heritage of Christian Poland: Contemporary Perspectives], article published in: ETHOS Kwartalnik Instytutu Jana Pawła II KUL Lublin, nr 115, VII-IX 2016, 66-90
  50. Disappearance and reconstruction of Gregorian chant in Western Benedictine monasteries published in: Богослужебные практики и культовые исскусства в полиэтническом регионe Majkop 2016, 15-34
  51. Formacja benedyktyńska Johna Maina w Ateneum św. Anzelma [The Benedictine Formation of John Main in the Ateneum of Saint Anselm in Rome], chapter in the book: John Main. Rys biograficzny, relacje, spuścizna Światowa Wspólnota Medytacji Chrześcijańskiej w Polsce, 2016, 185-198
  52. Inculturazione e storiografia benedettina nell’Europa centro-orientale, articolo pubblicato insieme con A.Somorjai in: San Benedetto e l’Europa nel 50° anniversatio della “Pacis Nuntius” (1964-2014). Materiali per un percorso storiografico a cura di P.Piatti e R.Salvarani, LEV 2016, 185-199
  53. Una glossa monastica alla lettera enciclica „Laudato si’” del papa Francesco, the article published in “Studia Monastica” 57-2 (2015), 423-434
  54. Il  ruolo della musica nella formazione spirituale della persona, in: Concetta Sinopoli (a cura di) Famiglia e relazioni umane per una bioetica esistenziale. Dalle persone alle relazioni tra scienza, cultura e religione, Aracne editrice 2016Per una riscoperta della teologia spirituale monastica: ‘Istituto Monastico cel Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo articolo scritto con P.Trianni pubblicato: Rivista di ascetica e mistica, 2015 Aprile-Giugno, 2, Firenze – Convento S.Marco, 253-268
  55. Filosofia come formazione per la creatività, creatività come formazione per la filosofia. Qualche suggerimento ispirato da M.Heidegger, J. Maritain e R.Arnheim in: “Supplementa to Acta Philosophica FORUM”, volume 1 – 2015 265-277
  56. The Dogmatic Definition of the Council of Chalcedon (451) of Two Natures in the Person of Jesus Christ as a Criterion of the Incarnational Character of Poetry in: Breaking the Silence. Poetry and the Kenotic Word (M.Grzegorzewska, J.Ward, M.Burrows ed.), Peter Lang Edition Frankfurt am Main 2015, 51-62
  57. (With P.Trianni) Per una riscoperta della teologia spiritual monastic: L’Istituto Monastico del Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo in: Rivista di Ascetica e Mistica 2015, n.2. Firenze – Convento S.Marco, 253- 268
  58. Gregorian Chant as a practical school of meditation in: The International Journal of Arts Education. The Arts Collection, Common Grounds, Vol.2, Issue 2, February 2015, 15-23
  59. Introduction to the Polish edition of John Main’s Silence & Stillness in Every Season, Tyniec Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów Kraków, 2014, 13-17
  60. Cisza i milczenie – perspektywa monastyczna [Still and silence – a monastic perspective] in: Cisza w teorii i praktyce. Obraz interdyscyplinarny (red. Teresa Olearczyk), Kraków 2014, 298-328
  61. Glenn Gould – an Anonymous Monk? On Some Possibilities of Applying Monastic Categories to Modern Culture in: Monasticism between Culture and Cultures (Ed. Philippe Nouzille OSB, Michaela Pfeifer OCist), Studia Anselmiana Roma 2013, 427-438
  62. M.Góreckiego Tęsknota za chorałem, [H.M.Góreckis nostalgia for the Gregorian Chant], „Scontri”, Pismo naukowe Akademii Muzycznej im. K. Szymanowskiego w Katowicach, 1 (2013), 97-106
  63. Melodia – traktat o wcielonej łasce [The melody – a treatise on the incarnated grace] in: Fenomen muzyki. Zeszyty naukowe Centrum Badań im. Edyty Stein. [The phenomenon of musica. The fasciles of The Edith Stein Scientific Centre of Researches] (Ed. Anna Grzegorczyk, Małgorzata Grzywacz, Katarzyna Machtyl), Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersyteut Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012, 207-216
  64. Harmonic Perspectives of Logos: The Grace of System. A Small Benedictine Apology of the Church through Music in: LOGOS ET MUSICA. In honorem Summi Romani Pontificis Benedicti XVI, (Ed. Elżbieta Szczurko, Tadeusz Guz, Horst Seidl), PETER LANG International Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2012, 811-824
  65. Mnich świadkiem mądrości [Monk, A Witness of Wisdom], „Fenomen mądrości”, 10, Zeszyty naukowe Centrum Badań im. Edyty Stein, 2012 69-79
  66. Wydziedziczenie i erozja mowy jako mistyczne otwarcie współczesności [Disinheritance and erosion of speech as a mystical openness of modernity] in: Naród. Kultura. Język (Ed. Anetta Ceglińska –Gajda), Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie 2011
  67. Ubóstwo zakonne a gospodarka rynkowa [The religious poverty and the market economy] in: The Quarterly of John Paul II Institute of the Catholic University in Lublin and of the Foundation John Paul II in Rome, 4/(96)/2011
  68. Gościnność jako synteza i aktualizacja: Opactwo Benedyktynów w Tyńcu wobec kultury [Hospitality as a synthesis and update: the Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec in front of the culture] in: Małopolskie Studia Regionalne 1/21/2011, Departament Polityki Regionalnej Urzędu Marszałkowskiego Województwa Małopolskiego, Kraków X.2011, 41-44
  69. Mistyka melodii – między chorałem gregoriańskim a Chopinem [The mystics of the melody – between Gregorian Chant and Chopin] in: „ASPIRACJE. Pismo warszawskich uczelni artystycznych, jesień 2011 [ASPIRATIONS. A review of the high schools of art in Warsaw. Autumn 2011], 16-20
  70. Wychowanie w charyzmacie benedyktyńskim, [Education in the Benedictine charisma] in: Wychowanie to dzieło miłości; (Ed. Małgorzata Kaczor, Dawid Świdkiewicz), Zielona Góra 2009
  71. Il monachesimo quale spazio d’ incontro tra teologia ed estetica – un esempio: la Regola di San Benedetto e la musica di Chopin, In: Church, Society, Monasticism and Society (Ed. B.Zorzi, E.Lopez-Tello Garcia), Studia Anselmiana – Roma 2009, 388-391
  72. Chorał gregoriański śpiewem liturgicznym Kościoła [Gregorian Chant – a liturgical chant of the Church], „Studia Gregoriańskie”, II, 2009, 45-82
  73. Umiar(kowanie) jako benedyktyński sposób wartościowania ilości i wielkości [Moderation as a Benedictine way of valuation of quantity and size] in: Ilość – wielkość – wartość: materiały z konferencji 11-13 maja 2009 r Elżbieta Umińska-Tytoń), Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie 2009
  74. Wzajemne uwarunkowanie tradycji i nowoczesności – kilka uwag praktycznych z doświadczeń ostatnich lat Opactwa Benedyktynów w Tyńcu [The reciprocal conditioning of tradition and modernity – some practical remarks from the last years of experiences in the Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec] in: Tradycja a nowoczesność: materiały z konferencji, 14-16 maja 2007 r [„Tradition and modernity” – the proceedings from the conference] (Ed. Ewa Woźniak), Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie 2007
  75. Michel de Certeau – świadek pograniczy [ de Certeau – a witness of borderland] in: Pogranicza: materiały z konferencji 8-10 maja 2006 r (Ed. Danuta Kowalska), Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie 2006
  76. Konieczność doświadczenia absurdu w kształtowaniu osoby ludzkiej – kilka uwag na marginesie lektur niektórych filozofów XX w. i refleksji o tożsamości monastycyzmu w dzisiejszym świecie [The necessity of experiencing the absurd in formation of human personality – some remarks on the margin of some 20th-century philosophers and of a reflection on the monastic identity in today’s world] in: Osoba i osobowość: czynniki je kształtujące : materiały z konferencji 9-11 maja 2005, (Ed. Magdalena Pietrzak), Archidiecezjalne Wydawnictwo Łódzkie 2006
  77. Doświadczenie absurdu jako przestrzeń integrująca świadomość egzystencjalną człowieka dorosłego z jego doświadczeniem religijny [Experience of the absurd as a space integrating the existential consciousness of adult persons with their religious experience] in: Psychologiczne i egzystencjalne problem człowieka dorosłego, (Ed. A.Gałdowa), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Krakow 2005
  78. Przesłanie chrześcijańskie a tożsamość kultury europejskiej [Christian message and the identity of European culture] in: „Idee chrześcijańskie a kultura Europejska”, Łódź 2001 (Materiały z międzynarodowej konferencji interdyscyplinarnej, Łódź, 15-17 maja 2000)
  79. W poszukiwaniu idiomu meliki kolędowej – chorał gregoriański okresu Bożego Narodzenia a kolędy polskie, czeskie i kaszubskie [In the research of an idiom of melodic line of Christmas songs: Gregorian Chant for Christmas and Polish, Czech and Kaszub carrols] in: „Z kolędą przez wieki”. Kolędy w Polsce i w krajach słowiańskich (Materiały z międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej), red. T.Budrewicz, St.Koziara, J.,Okoń, BIBLOS, Tarnów 1996, s.179-195
  80. O pewnym modelu wyobraźni dźwiękowej pianisty – gra na fortepianie a sztuka malarska: analogie i zbliżenia [About a model of sound imagination of pianist: the piano playing and the art. of painting – analogies and aproximities] in: Zeszyty naukowe. Z Prac II Katedry Fortepianu, Akademia im. F. Chopina w Warszawie, 1993, 67-139


1. peer review for review “Słowo i Świat” (Bielsko Biała) (2018)

2. peer reviews for The International Journal of Arts Education. The Arts Collection, Common Grounds (2015)

Review of Études grégoriennes XLI (2014), Abbaye Saint-Pierre, Solesmes 2014, 225 pp. In Ecclessia Orans 2015 (2)

Review of Dominik Ostrowski’s book “Uświęcenie i kult “, Ecclesia Orans 2014 (1)

Review of Scott Cowdell’s „René Girard and Secular Modernity”, Ecclesia Orans 2013 (2)

Translations (into Polish)

Form German: Anselm Stolz, Theologie der Mystik – in preparation

Form Italian and German: Elmar Salmann, Daleka bliskość chrześcijaństwa [The remote closeness of Christianity – 15 essays], HOMINI Kraków 2004, 314 p.

From English:

  1. Sheridan OSB, Duchowość wczesnego monastycyzmu egipskiego [Spirituality of Early Egiptian Monasticism] in: „Duchowość starożytnego monastycyzmu”. Materiały z Międzynarodowej Sesji Naukowej, red. ks.M.Starowieyski, TYNIEC, Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów, Kraków, 1995, s.19-29
  2. Lawless OSB, Przegląd monastycyzmu augustiańskiego [Review of Augustinian Monasticism] in: „Duchowość starożytnego monastycyzmu”. Materiały z Międzynarodowej Sesji Naukowej, red. ks.M.Starowieyski, TYNIEC, Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów, Kraków, 1995, s.61-86
  3. John J.Pilch, Poczucie humoru w Biblii [The Bible’s Sens of Humor] „Ruch Biblijny i Liturgiczny”, 4/1996, s.255-261
  4. John J.Pilch, Jak odbieramy nasze cierpienie? Próba aktualizacji tekstów biblijnych [How We Redress Our Suffering? An Exercise in Actualizing Biblical Texts], „Ruch Biblijny i Liturgiczny” 2/1999, s.105-129


John Harper Formy i układ liturgii zachodniej od X do XVIII wieku The Forms and Orders of Western Liturgy][, „Musica Iagiellonica”, Kraków, 1997 (Polish translation)


Jeśli nie post, to co? [If not fasting, so what?] in: W DRODZE. Miesięcznik poświęcony życiu chrześcijańskiemu, 452/04/2011

Ziarenka i słońce [The grains and the sun] in: Tygodnik Powszechny 21/(3072)/2008

Słowo jest falą [The word is a wave] in: Tygodnik Powszechny 35/(3086)/2008

Po co Kościołowi liturgia? [Why does the Church need liturgy?]In: TEOFIL. Pismo studentów kolegium, 2008, 55-64

Duch Święty – kropka nad i [The Holy Spirit – the dot above the letter „i” ] in: Tygodnik Powszechny 21/(3020)/2007

The feuilletons in the bimonthly magazine Integracja; since 1994 every other month, since 2011– every four months; since 2018 – twice a year

The feuilletons in the on-line magazine IN TERRIS (2014-)

The feuilletons in blog PS-PO of the Benedictine Abbey od Tyniec – once a week (2017 – 2020); the new form of this blog, CSPB – since 2020-



Encircling Alleluias, with Paulinus Greenwood OSB (treble), TYNIEC Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów 2005


Keur Moussa. Joyeuse attente de Noël…, with O.-M.Sarr OSB, Paul Kolie OSB, 2021

Praise him with strings and flute with Clement Kennedy, Celtic harp, 2002



 Teologia spirituale, corso abbligatorio per il baccalaureato, Facoltà di Teologia, Sant’Anselm, I sem. 2021/2022

Spiritual direction (Puebla)

Discernimento nella tradizione monastica, Corso di formazione monastica permanente, novembre 2021 (10 h.)

Theory and practice of spiritual life in writings of Evagrius of Pont, the on-line course for the Indian Benedictines, August 2021 (10 h.)

Il pensiero monastico negli scritti di Agostino, Corso di formazione monastica permanente, maggio 2021 (10 h.)

Ein Laboratorium für das Zusammenspiel von Theologie, Spiritualität und Kunst, Das Theologische Studium Jerusalem, Sant’Anselmo, 16-19 March 2021 (12 h.)

Umiltà come aiuto nella vita ” ( cap.7 della regola benedettina ), L’Associazione Spiritualità Amici di Valledacqua, Valledacqua 20.06.2020

Tra la spiritualità e l’arte (Ciclo per Licenza in Specializzazione in Teologia spirituale, Pontificia Facoltà Teologica Teresianum, Roma) I sem. 2020/2021

Il discernimento nell’accompagnamento spirituale (Corso di Accompagnamento Spirituale, Pontificio Istituto di Spiritualità Teresianum) II sem. 2019/2020; 2020/2021; I sem.2021/2022

La direzione spirituale (Corso per Formatori e Responsabili di Comunità di Vita Consacrata e di Società di Vita Apostolica, Pontificia Facoltà Teologica Teresianum, Roma), II sem. 2019/2020; 2020/2021; I sem., 2021/2022

“Psalmodia”, il corso nei studi post-graduate “Monodia liturgica” [il tema: Psalmodia (Salmodia)]; Università Pontificia di Giovanni Paolo 2, Cracovia,  7-8.06.2019;  18-19.06.2021

I grandi mistici moderni. Un panorama di varie configurazioni tra spiritualità, cultura e vita. II sem. 2018/2019; I sem.2020/2021

Corsi allo Studio Post-laurea sulla Monodia Liturgica, Università Pontificia di Giovanni Paolo II, Cracovia, 9-10, giugno 2016 [i temi: Chorał benedyktyński (Il canto benedettino), Duchowość chorału gregoriańskiego (La spiritualità del canto gregoriano), Psalmodia (Salmodia)]

Spiritual Accompaniment in Sapiential Tradition (Apophthegms and the Rule of Saint Benedict) the module in the summer program “Holy Listening”, July 2016

Chiesa, società, monachesimo Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo Rome, Facoltà di Teologia, II sem. 2015/2016; 2017/2018; 2019/2020

Il concetto di Tradizione attraverso la storia della teologia Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo Rome, Facoltà di Teologia, I sem. 2015/2016; 2017/2018; 2019/2020; 2021/2022

Nel paesaggio dei testi. Proseminario metodologico della teologia spiritual Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo Rome, Facoltà di Teologia, I sem. 2015/2016, 2016/2017; 2017/2018; 2018/2019; 2019/2020; 2020/2021, 2021/2022

Il pensiero monastico negli scritti si S.Agostino. Contesto storico e significato teologico Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo Rome, Facoltà di Teologia, I sem. 2015/2016; II sem.2020/2021

Il canto gregoriane nella formazione estetica, spirituale e psicologica co-docente (with B.Manzocchi e D.Rösler), course of distant lerning, Sant’Anselmo (from June 2015)

Imagination in the Benedictine tradition, a lecture at the Monastic Renewal Program, Sant’Anselmo, March 2015

Introduzione alla filosofia, Pontificio Ateneo Sant Anselmo Rome, Facoltà di Filosofia, I sem. 2013/2014; 2014/2015, 2015/2016, 2016/017, 2017/2018; 2018/2019; 2019/2020

Culture: an alternative for the spirituality? Lecture at the “Forum for the culture” organized by the Region of Little Poland (Małopolska), Cracow 2014

Living the Mystery of Easter in Liturgy, a cycle of lectures fort the Monastic Formation Program, Rome, April 2014

Monasticism as an inspiration for the consecrated life, a cycle of lectures in the Carmelite Centre of Spirituality, Cracow, I sem. 2012/2013

Mysticism of melody open lecture at the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music, 2013

Mysticism of melody – between Gregorian Chant and the music of Chopin, open lectures at the Frederic Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw, Polish Academy of Skills in Cracow 2011

Musical tradition of European monasteries, a series of lectures in the program Musical Tradition of the Western Church organized by the Foundation “De Boni Arte” by the Catholic Cathedral Church in Moscow, 2008-2010, 2011-2013

Existential and theological analogies between the Apophtegms and the stories by Mrożek, a monographic lecture at the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Academy of Theology in Cracow, I se, 2006/2007

Roads and wilderness towards God – the theological threads by Camus, Cioran, Schneider and Quinzio, a monographic lecture at the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Academy of Theology in Cracow, I sem, 2005/2006


 Il paesaggio in Europa, nel segno di Benedetto – a vent’anni dalla Convenzione Europea del Paesaggio, curatore del seminario, assieme a Alessandra Pattanaro (Università di Padova), Praglia, 4-6.11.2021

From “oddness” and “lack” to “nothingness”: in search of mystical traces in music, paper at the Annual International Conference “Thinking about Nothing: Negation, Philosophy and the Mystical”, Liverpool 12-14.07.2021 (on-line)

Literature as a spiritual experience: on some affinities between medieval monks and some modern thinkers; paper at the International Conference “Power of the Word” The Call of Literature, Theology, Philosophy and Literature in Conversation, 28.06-2.07.2021, Dublin (on-line)

From experience to performance: about some underestimated aspect of monastic formative tradition, paper at the International Symposium “Monasticism, Education & Formation”, Sant’Anselmo, Rome, 8-11.06.2021

Forms of the Love of Reading, a paper at the Open Days of Studies, Centre Jean Leclercq, Sant’Anselmo, 29.04.2021

Игра на фортепиано как духовный опыт, presentazione alla XI Международная научная конференция «Музыкальная летопись», Krasnodar (Russia),16.02.2021

Panoramica dei temi affrontati da “Armonie composte” e anticipazione dei temi del seminario di maggio 2021 (con A. Pattanaro), durante incontro pubblico “Benedetto e l’identità europea.

Il paesaggio tra etica ed economia”, 12.12.2020 (on-line)

Benedictine Education as a model of respecting religious freedom in education; paper at the International Interdisciplinary Conference “Religious Freedom and Education”, University of Mikołaj Kopernik in Toruń (Poland), 8-10.10.2020

Networking as a Form of Modern Participation of Monasteries in Economy and

Culture, Research network dedicated to the history of the monastic economy: “Does monastic economy matter? Religious patterns of economic behavior (Workshop III), Centre for Advanced Study Sofia, 19.10.2019

“Dio ci permette di vivere nella sua luce e nel suo amore” (GE n.51). Addomesticare la luce”, V Convegno internazionale di Mistica Cristiana: Dalla santità incarnata nell’oggi alla mistica presenza del Signore risorto secondo l’Esortazione apostolica “Gaudete et exultate”. Assisi, 7-8.09.2019

Idea and practice of performance as a chance for restoration of sacred music in an ecumenical key, convegno: “ON THE SPIRITUAL POWER OF MUSIC. Limits, Challenges and Horizons in an Ecumenical Perspective”,  Luxemburg, 7-9.02.2019

Learning from Trees: Some Observations on the Meaning of the Trees in The Sayings Of The Desert Fathers, convegno:”Trees in/and/around Literature In the Antropocene”, Università di Torino, 21.05.20191

Partecipazione nel dibattito di panel: Acqua e suolo in regime civile ed ecclesiastico: dalla storia alla valorizzazione turistica, Seminario “Armonie Composte”, Abbazia di Praglia, 16-18.05.2019

 “Il monaco – milites Christi”, La cultura militare nella Regola di San Benedetto, Arsenale di Venezia, 6.05.2019

„Monachesimo e i tempi moderni”, L’associazione Spiritualità Amici di Valledacqua, Ascoli Piceno, 6.10.2018

Cisza i milczenie w muzyce, w śpiewie gregoriańskim, w modlitwie, w życiu” [Il silenzio nella musica, nel canto gregoriano, nella preghiera e nella vita], Studio diocesano per gli organisti, Kielce 3.09.2018

Relazione su “Was Thomas Merton a Celebrity? Some observations about presence of monks in the modern society” al “Thomas Merton Symposium: Prophecy and Renewal”, Sant’Anselmo, Roma, 12-15 giugno 2018

Conferenza “Le prospettive pastorali del monachesimo”, Abbazia del Goleto, Navarra, 7 giugno 2018

Moderazione giornata di studio: “San Benedetto – costruttore”, Ateneo Pontificio Sant’Anselmo, 31.maggio 2018

Partecipazione al XVII Convegno Internazionle di studi sulla cultura e spiritualitą della Santa Montagna, dal titolo: “Dal Sinai All’Athos. La rinascita della tradizione spirituale esicasta sulla Santa Montagna – secoli XIII-XIV, Accademia di Romania, Roma, 12.05 maggio 2018

Partecipazione al Convegno “Terre di Benedetto: Paesaggi Feriti ‘E Vulnere Ubertas’, Abbazia di Praglia, 24-26 maggio 2018

 “Hymn Crux fidelis jako model sztuki kościelnej (L’inno Crux fidelis come un modello dell’arte ecclesiastica), conferenza per lo Studium per gli organisti, Gliwice, 17 marzo 2018

Relazione durante la presentazione dei libri: L’Athos e l’Occidente e Un monastero benedettino sul Monte Athos, Libreria Don Bosco Elledici, Roma, 19 aprile 2018

Relazione su “S.Gertrude tra la tradizione di Filocalia e il messaggio di S. Faustina Kowalska”  al Convegno “Santa Gertrude la Grande – Da grammatica fatta theologa”, Casa per esercizi Ancelle di Cristo Re, Roma, 13-15 aprile 2018

Relazione su “A Litany in the Rule of St. Benedict. On the mysterious form of the 4th Chapter of the Rule and its theological implications” al First Annual Meeting of European Academy of Religion, Bologna, 5-8 marzo 2018

Partecipazione ad “Un seminario sul futuro del monachesimo”, Monastero di Bose, 30-31 gennaio 2018

Relazione su “De votis monasticis“ e l’idea del monachesimo agostiniano – continuazione o nuova apertura?”  al Convegno Internazionale “RIFORMA/RIFORME: CONTINUITÀ O DISCONTINUITÀ? Sacramenti, pratiche spirituali e liturgia fra il 1450 e il 1600”, Sant’Anselmo, Università La Sapienza, Facoltà Valdese di Teologia, Roma, 25-27 ottobre 2017

Relazione su “ La creatività quale misura del valore etico del lavoro: un confronto fra tradizione monastica, Riforma e comunismo”  alla Congresso Interdisciplinare “The Heart of the Work. The Future of Work and its Meaning: New Christian Perspectives 500 Years after the Reformation”, PUSC, Roma, 19-20 ottobre 2018

Relazione su “Обладает ли модальность духовным содержанием?  в поисках основы богослужебной и фольклорной культуры” (Esiste una spiritualità di modalità? In ricerca della base comune della cultura liturgica e folcloristica) alla Conferenza Scientifica “Проблемы самоидентификации этноконфессиональных групп в современном мире и их роль в сохранении уникальных и исчезающих культур (I problemi di autoidentificazione dei gruppi etnoconfessionali nel mondo moderno il loro rulo nella protezione delle culture uniche e in via di estinzione), Università di Stawropol, Novokumsk/Russia, 15-19 novembre 2017

Transmission of monastic values through art: a theological survey of two virtual monasteries, UCSIA Workshop The critical role of religious community life in Europe:

a world between tradition and innovation, Universitair Centrum Sint-ignatius Antwerpen 19-21.10.2017

Alcune apposizioni benedettine alla enciclica Laudato si, IV Convegno Internazionale di Ministica Cristiana, Assisi, 29.09.2017

Nun as an unfaithful prophet’s wife”. Prophecy between Bible and everyday life in Silja Walter’s seriesDer Tanz des Gehorsams oder die Strohmatte”, IV International Conference “Power of the Word” –“Prophetic Word”, Regent’s College, Oxford, 16.07.2017

Il ruolo della spiritualità e dell’arte nella società moderna come nuove prospettive per la filosofia della religione, la relazione presentata al Convegno “Filosofia della religione”, SA 23.11.2016

La bellezza negli scritti di Santa Gertrude, la relazione presentata al convegno “La ‘divina pietas’ e la ‘suppletio’ di Cristo in Santa Gertrude di Helfta: una soteriologia della misericordia” Roma, 15-17.11.2016

Disappearance and reconstruction of Gregorian chant in Western Benedictine monasteries, la relazione presentata durante la Conferenza Scientifica Internazionale “Divine Service Experts and Cult Arts in Polyethnic Region”, Adyghe State University, Maikop, Russia 18-23.09.2016

Die Bildungsarbeit der Benediktiner, relazione presentata nel panello Auftrag und Umsetzung des Bildungsbereiches durch Ordensgemeinschaften, Internazionale Congresso di Renovabis, Frisinga , 31.08-2.09.2016

MONASTICISM AND BRAND – a precarious dialogue. Some observations at the interface between sociology, economy and theology relazione presentata al Simposio Internazionale “Monasticism & Economy”, SA 7-10.06. 2016

Il monachesimo di Thomas Merton come una christologica esperienza dell’assurdo, relazione durante

“Sempre proteso verso Cristo”. La teologia radicata nell’irrequieto viaggio spiritual di Thomas Merton. Pomeriggio di studio, Sant’Anselmo, 11.03.2016

A Ritual Character of Branding: the challenge of the new spaces between consumerism and religion, paper at the workshop “Rituals, Markets and Redemption, Antwerp (Universitair Centrum Sint-Ignatius Antwerpen), November 2015

A Benedictine interpretation of nature in poetry? The affinities between some verses by Ezra Pound and Silja Walter, the conference at the XXVIth International Ezra Pound International Conference, Brunnenburg, July 2015

Imagination: an enemy or an ally of meditation?, the conference at the seminar on meditation, WCCM, Sant’ Anselmo, July 2015

Between rapture and rupture: in search of a crucial dimension of wonder, relation at the 4th International Conference “The Power of the Word”, Sant’Anselmo June 2015

L’utilità di alcune pratiche artistiche della musica professionale per la celebrazione comunitaria della Liturgia delle ore – relazione al X Congresso Internazionale di liturgia CARMINA LAUDIS 7.05.2015, SA, Roma

Filosofia come formazione per la la creatività, creatività come formazione per la filosofia. Qualche suggerimento ispirato da M.Heidegger, J. Maritain e R.Arnheim, relation at the XXII Convegno “La filosofia come Paideia”, Università Santa’Croce, Roma, February 2015

Day of studies : Challenges of living in community , conference for the Studite monks at the monastery of Univ (Ucraine), Decembre 2014

Music in spiritual formation, conference to the priests, Monte Cassino Decembre 2013

Youth (sub)cultures and monasticism: an unconscious affinity?; international workshop Youth (Sub)Cultures: Download the Drivers / From Art of Resistance to Creative Innovation, Antwerp (Universitair Centrum Sint-Ignatius Antwerpen), December 2013

The dogmatic definition of the Council of Chalcedon (451) of two natures in the preson of Jesus Christ as a criterion of the incarnational character of poetry ; convegno internazionale The Power of the Word / Poetry: Word Made Flesh: Flesh Made Word, Danzica (Universytet Gdański), dicembre 2013

Benedictine spirituality in the formation of contemporary lay man, Conference at th Conference Monasticism and city – a new spirituality of burghers, Edith Stein’s Centre, University of Poznań, 2011

Bliskość i różnice tradycji chrześcijańskiego monastycyzmu Wschodu I Zachodu [Proximity and differences of the tradition of Christian Eastern and Western monasticism], University of Warsaw, 2010

Is my community ready for changes? Forum of fundraising, Konstancin, 2010

Workshops and spiritual programs:

Gregorian workshops – more than 20 editions in Tyniec Abbey, 2004-2012,

Retreats in the space of art  – 12 editions, Tyniec

Benedictine School of Management – 10 editions, Tyniec Abbey 2005 – 2012

Anno Accademico 2024/2025